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  1. I hope i win…Also please feel free to visit my site and tell me what i can do to improve it and if its interesting. im new to iweb and site making in general and i hope my idea go somewhere. It basically a site designed to let people review stuff. None of this advertising marketing stuff..just from one person to another a review that people can be and comment on

  2. The website is provided an email link on the right side of every page allowing people to email me any review they wrote and ill post it. Of course giving them credit for it and my appreciation.

    Thank you

  3. My website is a simple one, but I do believe in simplicity. 🙂 Please enjoy.

  4. Thanks for the tips and tricks with iWeb. Your site is very helpful.

  5. Here is my site, actually the one I created for my parents in law to display and sell there photos:
    I so not think I can compete because I use a IWeb theme, but everybody is welcome to visit.

  6. I am working to implement some of the things on this website. Pretty handy resource.

  7. It’s still a work in progress, but I thought I’d enter!

  8. hey, here’s my website- have used a ton of hints from your really useful bog!

  9. Just found out about your site…fantastic…is the contest still going on?

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