Like I said in my previous post, it’s been a while since I added anything to All About iWeb; sorry! But just so you know I haven’t been just sitting back doing nothing (well only if my Doctor is reading this and in that case I have been sitting down resting my Achilles, honest) I thought I would let you into what I have planned for the coming few months in the way of iWeb tutorials, tips and tricks as well as the odd bit of help too.
As always if you have any suggestions for posts or you are just itching to know how to do something in iWeb drop me a line through my contact page and I will certainly have a look at it. Along the same vein, if you think you have what it takes to write a post for All About iWeb drop me a line too, I would be more than happy to publish your post and you get some fame as a guest writer as well as advertising your iWeb site!!
Enough waffle I hear you cry, what have I got planned? Well I have been playing around with CSS3 and although it is in its early stages I have a couple of tutorials that involve adding CSS3 to HTML Widgets to achieve certain effects such as this spinning postcard (great for image galleries) which rollover in a 3D style when you hover your mouse on it:
And I have been asked sooo many times now, how can I get the ‘Sexy Bookmarks’ (like at the bottom of every post on this blog) in my iWeb site? Well that’s coming too, along with how to add polls to your iWeb site, add a variety of image slideshows to iWeb, more tips for mobile site design and some software reviews too.
I also want to restart the ‘Your Questions’ post that I used to run in which I try and answer some of the more common questions I get asked can explain the answer in a paragraph or two rather than a full post and I want to revisit the ‘How to design a (insert style here) web-site in iWeb’. I have a few of these almost completed from a few months back so they may be coming soon.
So rest assured, there is plenty coming, lots to keep you all busy; I haven’t forgotten you. Don’t forget if there is something you want covered in a post, a question answered or if you would like to write a tutorial for All About iWeb, drop me a line or leave a comment.
Great! just can’t wait to read your new posts!
Tim you should get a Facebook page as well, could be handy for visitors/followers. 😉
Hi Tim, I might be in the minority here but I would love to learn how to insert a “sign up for my news letter” box on my site or something like that where the visitor can give me their email, and maybe have it connect to an application like MailChimp to keep all the new contacts organized. Thanks in Advance! I am looking forward to all the great posts!