I thought it would be prudent to let all the regular readers here on All About iWeb know that I won’t be posting for a few weeks. As of Thursday I am moving from sunny Paris back to a not quite so sunny England; Lincolnshire to be exact. So whilst my internet is being switched off here in France to morrow and I am not exactly sure when Virgin will be installing my 50Mb line I will be sans internet for a few weeks. You can of course keep e-mailing and commenting so if and when I get a chance to pop into Starbucks I can check on my iPad.
Rest assured, once everything is back in order and I have unpacked my (hopefully undamaged) iMac I will be publishing as usual. I already have an absolutely fantastic animated CSS3 image gallery written that just uses a HTML Snippet so no doubt I will lead with that, here’s a few screenshots to tempt you all until then.
Here’s the gallery with nothing selected.
First image rolledover with a nice smooth ease effect to make it bigger and brighter and move the other images out of the way. Mmmmm!
Same again, different image, brighter and bigger.
And another one. That’s enough for now!!
So until I’m back in the land of the WWW, keep iWebbing!! Oh, and does anyone want to pack any boxes?
im more than happy to help you pack… :p as long as you pay for the flight to paris!
meanwhile, we will miss you while your gone but cant wait for this new image gallery!!!
So, no 21 days… ebook?
Hi cceino,
Yes it is coming, I just haven’t finished compiling it yet. Once I get to the UK I will add the finishing touches and email a download link to all of the subscribers for either a PDF version or an eBook version (or both), along with one or two other downloads.
Please bare with me you will have it, I promise.
Good Luck with all the packing and moving. I am sympathetic to your upheaval, hope you are back soon on this website.
My question; should you have a time to address it is: Why doesn’t my iweb site look the same or even load properly in other browsers? I almost always use Safari with my imac. so of course it looks fine with that browser, that is where I created . Firefox looks Ok too, but internet Explorer and Netscape were horrible. My images did not even load in Explorer, and only some in Netscape. the toolbar at the top of my iweb page didn’t appear at all, luckily I have put other navigation links on most of my pages or the viewer would not be able to go anywhere.
Thanks, Janice
Good Luck, Tim!
I heard that Apple will be slowly fazing out iweb. What have you heard about this? What should we do with our existing sites? I heard that eventually they won’t be compatible with web browsers as new versions come out.
^^ really??? that sucks. I have made an investment in time to my first few iwebs.
How do you do that css3 gallery? I want to learn this. how can you use jqery sliders in iweb? any ideas?
anyway, since iWeb writes in HTML, I suppose it will never ‘not work’ you just have to upload your files FTP to your host.