
Facebook Link Preview – EverWeb Widget

UPDATE: The ability to add a Facebook link preview image has now been added to EverWeb 1.8 and higher. You no longer need to use this widget. You can specify the image for each page by going to the Site Settings tab, and choosing an image next to the option that says Social Media Image.

Ever notice that when you post a link to a website on Facebook, there might be a particular image and title/description that appears? These can actually be set by the webmaster so that they can control what people see whenever someone posts their link on Facebook. This widget will allow you to set the title, description and the image(s) to be displayed when a user posts your link on Facebook.

The widget uses EverWeb’s built-in Image Gallery widget to allow you to more easily setup your Facebook link preview.

Make sure to follow the instructions on the widget for setting up the preview. There are 4 steps in the process so be sure to read each one carefully, and follow them accordingly.

This widget can be downloaded free of charge. Remember to install the widget by double clicking on the .ewwdgt file.

Update: Version 2.0 of this widget allows you to access your FB preview image directly from your assets list.

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  1. I’m having difficulty with the FB Link Preview widget. I follow the directions exactly (there are only 3, by the way, not 4), but it doesn’t seem to work.

    1. Yes, the widget has been updated. What problems are you having with it?

      1. Hi Jeremy:

        In short, I follow the 3 steps, save and upload my site changes, but when I type the link into Facebook, nothing shows up any different than if I simply put in the url before using the widget.

      2. Can you email the EverWeb support team and let them know. Be sure to include the URL for the exact page that you added the widget to.


      3. Okay Jeremy, I’ve done that. Hope they can help.

  2. Hi Jeremy,
    I am having problems with the widget too. I follow the three steps but when I run a scrape in the Facebook debugger it tells me:

    Object Invalid Value Object at URL ‘http://www.retrovibe.co.uk/index.html’ of type ‘website’ is invalid because the given value ‘ewExternalFiles/Retrovibe Stelecaster STB.png’ for property ‘og:image:url’ could not be parsed as type ‘url’.

    When I look at the actual meta code generated it says:

    Should this address not have the complete “http://www.retrovibe…” as part of the url?

    I simply selected the image from the drop down menu which appears under the Choose button.

    I look forward to hearing from you.



    1. Can you try renaming the image in EverWeb so that it does not have any spaces in the file name? That might fix this.

      1. Hi Jeremy,
        That doesn’t appear to make any difference.
        Can I ask, does the widget compile the go:image:url or should it get the complete path from the image selection process?

  3. Hi Jeremy,
    I was expecting the image tag to be:

    but the widget seems to only generate:

    ie. it doesn’t include the “http://www.retrovibe.co.uk/” bit.

  4. Hi Jeremy,
    I was expecting the image tag to be:

    but the widget seems to only generate:

    ie. it doesn’t include the “http://www.retrovibe.co.uk/” bit.

    1. It doesn’t look like you updated the image name because I still see it with the spaces in it. Can you try deleting the widget and then re-adding it?

  5. Sorry, this message software doesn’t display the tags I typed in the above two messages.

  6. Hi Jeremy,
    The image name appears without spaces in my assets list but everweb doesn’t seem to update it even when I delete then re-add the widget.
    Again, can I ask, does the widget compile the go:image:url or should it get the complete path from the image selection process?

  7. Hi Jeremy,

    This widget is a nice tool but it has a serious problem, which is the image.

    FB OG rules dictate that the OG: IMAGE needs to contain a full URL, like so:

    Your Widget only adds

    As such FB cannot parse this as a full URL and will note it as a failure.
    You need to paste the full image URL in there. I don’t know how EW would reconstruct this but the full URL is needed.

    1. This widget is going to be discontinued soon because there is a feature built into the next version of EverWeb that will allow you to add a FB preview image.

  8. I can’t get this widget to work, either. I have no control over the Facebook preview. It is very discouraging. When will the next version of Everweb be out?

    1. You can download the beta version of EverWeb 1.8 at http://billing.ragesw.com/forum.php?act=thread&tid=3350

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