The just released EverWeb 2.7 has some great new and updated features that everyone will enjoy. Here’s what you need to know about the new version…
Updated Navigation Menu Widget Brings EverWeb’s First Built In Responsive Feature!
The Navigation Menu widget is now responsive! What this means is that as you resize the width of your browser window, the navigation can automatically change between the normal navigation menu and the new hamburger icon style navigation menu at a specified browser width. This makes the updated widget perfect for hamburger icon style navigation menus in your mobile web pages! Clicking on the hamburger icon presents you with the same menu options as for your desktop site. The responsive options are also fully customizable so you can get exactly the look you want for your site.
Over 500,000 Free Stock Photos
Stock Photos brings you over half a million royalty free stock photos for use in your website. It’s easy to access through the Window-> Stock Photos menu option. Just search for the image you want then drag and drop it on to the Editor Window, Blog Post Editor Window, Blog Post Preview Window or directly in to the Assets List.
This awesome new feature for EverWeb makes finding the right images for your website incredibly easy, saving you time, effort and money as you don’t have to trawl the Internet searching for images or pay for copyrighted images.
Updated Contact Form Advanced Widget
The Contact Form Advanced Widget gets new features with Heading and Description controls. These controls allow you to create sections within your contact form and are fully customizable using the widget’s new Fonts and Style section. There’s also a new Control Instruction/Tip field that lets you add in additional information to help guide those filling in the contact form. Again you can customise the look of the field using the Fonts and Styles section of the widget.
The Submit button can now be aligned to the left, canter or right in the form and you can now use your own custom button image for Normal, Rollover and Visited states.
There are also many maintenance and stability enhancements in this release such as FTP details are now saved properly in Site Publishing Settings, Scroll Positions now work properly when used within directories and images are now sharper when published.
To update your copy of EverWeb, use the EverWeb-> Check for Updates menu option from within the product or go directly to the EverWeb website and download from there.
The introduction of responsive features in EverWeb 2.7 hints at more such features coming in 2.8, so there are very interesting times ahead for EverWeb!