Well here it is. My first blog. Welcome! Feel free to take a look around and make yourself at home. You can find out why I started this blog on my ‘About Me’ page, but needless to say I have big plans for the site.
Yes, I know the theme isn’t up to much at the moment but I felt that content was more important than the looks initially (time will tell if I made the right judgement there). Currently I have 10 posts planned over the next few weeks ranging from iWeb tutorials to help you customise various sections of your site, SEO advice to help you climb Google, reviews on add-ons and other software to help you get the most from your iWeb-site and other hints, tips and tricks to get the best from your favourite web design software.
In conjunction to this blog I plan to run a iWeb created web-site that will provide all the examples of any tutorials I provide so you can see them all working ‘live’.
If there is anything you want to see addressed on this web-site drop me a line and I will see what I can do.