Web Design

It’s all about the colors

At the beginning of the year I posted 10 iWeb New Year’s Resolutions and since then I have noticed in the stats for All About iWeb quite a few of you have been clicking on the link for kuler.com. It is good to see that so many of you want to get your iWeb site’s colors looking as best as they can, but you aren’t just limited to Kuler. There are many more on-line based tools to assist you in getting the best look for your iWeb site.

Here’s a fantastic selection of 7 other useful on-line tools to help you choose the best color palette for your iWeb site.

You can click on each screen shot to visit the sites.

Color Scheme Designer

Colour Lovers

Color Explorer

Color Rotate

Color Munki

Colors on the Web


Do you know of anymore web-sites that we iWeb users can visit to helps us get the perfect color match? Leave us a comment and let us know.

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  1. […] Read more: Its all about the colors | All About iWeb […]

  2. These are fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  3. One of the most important things I kept in mind when creating my site was to keep 5 colors for the theme and keep them the same one every page.

  4. But how can I select (for example) the color #fff400 in Iweb for a shape? The color pallete shows for instance websafe colors, but this is not one of them?
    Maybe (I hope) the answer is simple but so far I can’t find a way.

    Help is highly appreciated, thanks

  5. You can get hex colors in iWeb by downloading an extension, but I can’t find the article with the download link. So, you can get the RGB (which iWeb supports) from a hex by using a tool provided by Google at:

  6. Did found the answer (solution) on a Dutch forum, sorry Sam but yours wasn’t the solution I was looking for.

    You can download and install “Hex color Picker” http://wafflesoftware.net/hexpicker/

    Works like a charm, you can use any Hex color you like by typing the number.

  7. http://www.kuler.adobe.com

    this is adobe’s color scheme generator.

  8. oh man thank you SOOOO MUCH for the link for Hex Color Picker! It was driving me mad trying to match the color i wanted, but this was excatly what i needed! Thank you!

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